Jakarta Selatan ∙ Joined 6y 5m
Mostly Responsive
preloved clothes and cosmetics, pengiriman hanya bisa JNE/J&T dan GOSEND
Masih bagus bgtttt.. thanks kakaaaknya
UNIQLO x Marni Floral Dress
Rp 400,000
Amazing chat
thank you, Kak! barangnya masih okkk, sukak banget 💕
ZARA Army Denim Jacket
Rp 100,000
Luvvv..Cakep barangnya, Makasih sis 🥰🥰
ZARA Plaid Vest/Outer
Rp 115,000
Goes the extra mile
Knows their stuff
Unique listings
Amazing chat
thankss ya 👏
makasih ya kak bajunya pas di aku, sukak banget, dan kakaknya sangat responsive, harganya jg affordable
SHEIN Black Cherry Dress
Rp 125,000
masi bagus banget barang barangnya trustedd nii 💃🏻
China Thrift Jacket
Rp 100,000
Seller super baikkkk dan amanah, barang ori the body shop dan masih segel brand new, dikasih banyak diskon dan free gift lucu bgtt, pengiriman jg super cepatt 💕 💕 makasih kakk, sukses terus yaa 🤗
The Body Shop Joy&Jasmine Shower Gel
Rp 110,000
Unique listings
Barangnya super bagus, makasih ka
Stradivarius Pink Bomber Jacket
Rp 150,000
Knows their stuff
Thank you! Cantik banget like newwwww
Kate Spade Mint Handbag
Rp 1,750,000
Unique listings
Cool seller, padahal cuma beli sunblock tapi safety bgt packing nya
Nature Republic Sun Block SPF 50
Rp 105,000
mantap sepatunya. sellernya ramah dan baik. sukses y
Keds Floral Double Decker Shoes
Rp 260,000
Amazing chat
bajunya bagus bgtbgtt🥺❤️ sellernya juga ramah & baik, recommend seller! 🥰
Shein Rib Cross Top
Rp 40,000
Tools makeupnya bagus dan sesuai dengan foto. Sellernya jg communicative. Terima kasih ka
Topshop Makeup Face Brush Set
Rp 85,000
paket sdh tiba dgn cepat. kemasan rapi pakai bubble wrap. dompetnya msh bagus dan ori ada kain furing motif merk dan label dalam...kereen. terima kasih kakak seller yg baik hati. recommended dech 👍
Guess Denim Clutch & Card Wallet
Rp 115,000
sist, barang nya sdh sampai ya, terimakasih banyak 😘
Hourglass Mood Exposure Blush
Rp 240,000
Seller was polite and cooperative, loving the product! Comew with Cute complimentary sticker too! Thank you and stay safe! 😄